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Formula 2 with beta-carotene and canthaxanthin for red factor birds.
- Soft, with beta-carotene and canthaxanthin for red factor birds
- 13% Proteins
- 12% Fat
Soft food for red factors. Complementary feed for cage and aviary birds. Composition- Categories of ingredients: Products and by-products of cereal grains, products and by-products of other seeds and fruits, products and by-products of other plants, milk products and by-products, oils and fats, products and by-products of oil seed, oil fruits, products and by-product of the sugar beet processing industry, seeds, yeasts, minerals. Technological additives: Contains in the EU authorized binders, anti-caking agents, coagulants, antioxidants and preservatives. Sensory additives: Contains in the EU authorized flavoring and coloring agents. Instructions for use: Use just as it is. Dose: ad-lib in bird feeding dishes.