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Carophyll red is a powder of red color, which contains at least 10% of cantaxantin, while etoxiquin and ascorbic acid are added as antioxidants.
Many breeders use Bogena Intensief mixed with Carophyl (Canthaxanthin). The combination of the two products will promote intense red color throughout all the bird’s plumage. The Canthaxanthin is very effective at coloring the contour feathers and Bogena is good on the long feathers on the wing and tail. The products can be mixed into egg food/nestling food recipes or in the drinking water. Canary breeders that use this combination dilute the strength of the Bogena/Carophyl R. Many breeders suggest a mix rate of 50g CarophyllR/Canthaxantin 10% to 500g Bogena.
Stability and storage
Carophyll Red - 10% is sensitive to air, heat, light, and humidity. The product may be stored for 24 months in the unopened original container and at a
temperature below 15°C. Keep container tightly closed. Once opened, use contents quickly.